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The QueenArrow Invitational

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women's competition

Swahili Esports Champions is a competition committed to promoting women in esports

The second edition of the “Esport Champions” competition series stands out this year for its commitment to promoting women in esports, under the sponsorship of Sylvia Gathoni, aka “The Queen Arrow,” the first East African woman to sign with a professional esports team, XiT Gaming. This competition, the first of its kind to be entirely dedicated to African women around the fighting game “Tekken 7,” highlights the growing importance of female inclusion in esports.

SAGES continues its commitment to the development and structuring of esports on the African continent by organizing this Swahili version of the Esports Champions series with a focus on female talent. This initiative was a success, making Swahili Esports Champions 2023 the first 100% female African competition. “Tekken 7,” chosen for its immense popularity in Africa and around the world, thus became the arena for this historic competition, through which 8 players represented Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Benin, Madagascar, Senegal, and Ivory Coast.

The project offers participating local partners the opportunity to position themselves in this innovative sector, to forge partnerships with local esports professionals, and to support this ecosystem while reaching out to the youth and promoting their talents.

A project ? An idea ? A wish ?